The 4 Most Common Types of Job Interviews
Great news! You got the call—a company wants to interview you and talk about the IT or tech position you’ve applied for. Worried about what comes next?

Every organization has its own job interview process. While some use unconventional interviewing methods like lunch, group, or working interviews, most stick with some version of the top four: phone, face-to-face, video, and panel interviews. An IT recruiter will help you prepare for the job interview ahead of the time to increase your chances of landing the position.

Here’s everything you need to know about each type of interview, so you’ll feel confident about making a good impression.

Phone Interviews

Many companies begin the job interviewing process with a phone interview. They’re typically used to perform an initial screening to ensure you meet critical requirements for the job. You might be asked to do multiple phone interviews with different staff members, including the hiring manager. A downside to phone interviews is you can’t rely on body language. But an upside is you can always plan out some answers and refer to your notes during the call.

In-Person Interviews

Traditional interviews usually take place with the company’s hiring manager. You should always be ready to answer a wide range of questions about your experience to showcase why you’re the best candidate for the job. If you’re working with an IT recruiter, they can fill you in on the company’s culture, industry trends and what they’re looking for in a candidate. Always have a question or two prepared in advance for when the interviewer asks, “Do you have any questions for us?”

Video Interviews

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically increased the number of job interviews done via Skype, Zoom and other video platforms. Preparation and presentation are key to standing out in a video job interview. Remember to dress for a video interview just as you would for a face-to-face one.

Panel Interviews

Panel job interviews vary according to each company. With some, you might be interviewed by a panel of key staff all at once. Others might have you meet with each panel member separately and then as a group. If multiple similar positions are being filled simultaneously, there might be a group of candidates all in one room. A recruiter will let you know ahead of time who you’ll be meeting with so you’re not surprised when you walk into the room. During a panel interview, it’s a good idea to begin your answers by first making eye contact with the person who asked the question, and then glancing around the room at other members of the group using the STAR interview method.

How to Ace All Types of Job Interviews

One of the best ways to be prepared for whatever comes your way in a job interview is to work with an IT recruiter. IT recruiters will prepare you for all types of job interviews and help you stand out from other candidates. If you’d like to learn more about working with a Las Vegas IT recruiter to succeed on landing the job you want, contact Taurean Consulting Group at 702-529-0378, today.
Job Candidates Ready for Their Job Interview