Tech Salary Negotiation: Tips and Preparation Strategies
Tech salary negotiation can be stressful for many if not most, job candidates. A perceived power imbalance, prior negative experiences, and a fear of rejection make it challenging to negotiate effectively.   The good news is that employing some simple strategies can increase your chances of securing a salary that aligns with your worth and expectations. Working with a Las Vegas IT recruiter can make the process less stressful, as they can help you approach the table calmly and confidently and remind you that negotiations are a two-way street.   In this post, we look at effective strategies for getting the salary you deserve and how to handle common road bumps in the negotiation process. But before we dive in—we’re often asked if it’s appropriate to discuss salary negotiations during an initial interview. We recommend saving that for later, preferably when you’re about to receive an offer letter. Instead, we suggest candidates focus on showcasing their skills, qualifications, and how they can contribute to the team.  

Effective Strategies for Negotiating a Higher Salary

Most people wouldn’t dream of moving to a new city without researching neighborhoods, housing options, and local amenities. The same holds true while job hunting. Begin by learning everything you can about the company you’re interviewing with and prepare for potential interview questions, including those about salary.
  • Research average salaries for the position you’re applying for.
  • Learn what the market rates are for Las Vegas based on your experience and qualifications.
  • Be prepared with a list of accomplishments and quantifiable contributions to highlight the value you bring to the company.
During the interview, emphasize your skills and experience, using real-life examples to show how they align with the company’s mission and goals. Don’t forget to factor in benefits beyond the base salary, such as bonuses, professional development opportunities, flexible work arrangements, and stock options.

What if the hiring manager asks about my previous salary?

As of October 2021, Nevada law no longer allows employers to inquire about an applicant’s salary history. Employers are also prohibited from refusing to interview, hire, or promote an applicant if they decline to discuss past salaries. Your recruiter can suggest ways to deflect these questions and keep the focus on the position’s current market value.

What if the initial offer is lower than my expectations?

We typically recommend standing firm but remaining open to further negotiations. If the company doesn’t budge, you’ll need to consider walking away. Agreeing to a lower initial salary can be worth it, though, if it’s a company you really want to work for or if the other benefits and perks align with your work/life balance goals.

Make Tech Salary Negotiation Easier With an IT Recruiter

Whatever decision you make during the tech salary negotiation process, approach the experience with caution and professionalism. By coming to the negotiation table prepared, confident, and ready to collaborate, you can navigate the process more smoothly and secure a compensation package that aligns with your worth and expectations. To learn more about current tech salaries or to schedule a consultation with one of our recruiters, contact Taurean Consulting Group online today.