Networking Tips for Tech Professionals in a Remote World
Every challenge comes with opportunities, even networking for tech professionals. COVID-19 has certainly turned things upside down but, believe it or not, there are ways you can continue to further your career goals during this tumultuous time. It’s more important than ever to “get out there” because the networking groups you spend time with now, are the people who are going to help you find employment quicker, sooner, and faster. Here are some of our best networking tips for tech professionals to help get you started:

Learn from Experience

The Las Vegas tech world has seen downturns before. After 9/11 and the 2008 financial crisis, people who’d been working for 10 or 20 years at their organizations without building a network were the ones who really struggled to get back into the workforce. People without a solid network foundation were often met with a “Hey, you need us now?” reaction, as opposed to being remembered as someone who mentored others, helped out when needed, and spoke at events. If history is any indication, now’s a great time to up your networking game with these networking tips for tech professionals:

Our Top Networking Tips for Tech Professionals

Tip number one: If you’re not already working with an IT recruiter, now’s a good time to start. A good recruiter is not only tapped into which events you should attend to learn and connect with the right people in the market, but they can also help make sure you get invited as a guest. Other networking tips to consider:
  • Join networking groups to learn about the market and other people, not to see what you can get out of it. When you do, good things will naturally come back to you.
  • Find your networking style and make it work for you. People like authenticity and don’t want to feel you’re using them to get where you want to go. Avoid speaking negatively about your current situation—your next boss could be in the room!
  • Take advantage of tech. For instance, LinkedIn has a really cool feature that lets you know who else is attending the same event as you. One click, and you’re automatically connected.
  • Keep the conversation professional. If you wouldn’t talk about a topic with family at the dinner table, don’t talk about it in a networking environment either.
We may not be able to gather in big crowds right now, but you can widen your network by attending worldwide virtual networking events from the comfort of your home.

Connect with Taurean Consulting Group Today

To learn more networking tips for tech professionals or to speak with an IT recruiter who can match your skills with a top Las Vegas tech organization, contact Taurean Consulting Group today at 702-529-0378. You can view our open positions here.
Multiethnic tech professional team using a video for an online networking session.